Saturday, February 2, 2013

#dobravethings saturday

this week, i:

*started an ecourse on story and writing (and told my story & wrote ;)

*made goals (yikes!)

*went to see a movie by myself (on purpose - i wanted to experience it, just me & God - i am so prone to worrying about how other people are experiencing something that i sabotage my own experience)

*went to the doctor

*cut and dyed my hair - i am no longer a blonde, for the first time in my life!

*posted this

*believed God


*risked giving the heart-answer over the expected answer

what brave things are YOU doing?


  1. seeing a movie by myself...something i fear because i hate doing things alone. maybe i should partake in that this week. a movie alone, just me and god and the screen. i want to savour my experience.

  2. yes! do it! for me, it ends up so rich. i take a journal, just in case there is important dialogue that sparks something i might want to write about...!
